Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Join our Volunteer Team

The Activity Department at Clapp's is always on the look out for volunteers. Interested persons need to complete a volunteer application. Once your application has been reviewed the Activity Director will call you to schedule a 30 minute volunteer orientation. It is a requirement that all volunteers have a TB test which is done at the facility. Once your test has been read, you are ready to volunteer. Volunteers will receive training before they are allowed to volunteer independently. Student volunteers may only volunteer when activity staff are present. Hours for students are therefore limited. Please note, the number of student volunteers is limited to three at a time.

Volunteer applications are available in our lobby or can be emailed to you.

Clapp's Walkers

The Clapp's Walkers will once again participate in the annual Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk on Saturday, May 15th at Center City Park, Greensboro, NC.

Family members and staff are invited to join the Clapp's Walkers Team or help sponsor the walkers. Please contact Jennifer Nichols for more information.

Family Council Meetings

Family Council Meetings for 2010

Wednesday, January 20th
Wednesday, April 21st
Wednesday, July 21st
Wednesday, October 20th

At 6:00 p.m. in the Resident Lounge

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are needed to assist activity staff at the St. Patrick's Day Social on Wednesday, March 17th at 3:00 p.m. in the Dining Room.

Volunteers are needed to assist residents with flower arranging on Monday, March 15th at 2:30 in the Activity Room.

Volunteers are needed to visit residents in their room.

Volunteers are needed to assist activity staff at the Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, April 2nd at 3:00 p.m.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Jennifer Nichols for more information.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt at Clapp's Nursing Center
Friday, April 2, 2010 from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Families and staff are encouraged to bring their children and grandchildren to this event. Please remember to bring a basket or bag to collect eggs as we are not able to provide them. Anyone who has baskets they would like to donate are asked to drop them off at the front desk or bring them to the activity room.

Volunteers are needed to assist with this event. Please contact Jennifer if you can assist in stuffing eggs and distributing eggs for the hunt. We are accepting donations of individually wrapped candy and prizes to stuff the eggs. Thank you!

Census Time

The Census Bureau has advised they will count the residents living at our facility on April 1st. If your family member is at our facility at that time and you complete a census for them elsewhere, please do not count them or they will be counted twice. Please note: This will not effect their pay status.

Do we have your number?

Family members and P.O.A.'s please take a moment to verify that the contact numbers we have on the chart for you are up-to-date. Thank you!